The impact of Minnesota’s INGOs is remarkable
If this past year has taught us anything, it is that the safety and well-being of people halfway across the world can have a dramatic impact on Minnesotans here at home. From hunger, to civil conflict, to global pandemics, Minnesotans know that we are not truly safe until all of us around the world are safe as well. That’s why Minnesota is home to more than 100 international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) that seek to provide support and resources to millions of people around the world to help others uplift their own lives. One such organization, the Minnesota International NGO Network (MINN), connects all of these INGOs together to help make their shared goals a reality. Their just-launched  compiles membership and survey data from 2020 to provide a comprehensive snapshot of Minnesota’s tremendous potential for international development work.
Geographically, Minnesota’s INGOs have a major impact all around the world. In total, the organizations surveyed in the report provide services in 117 countries globally. In particular, they focus heavily on providing services to areas known as the Global South such as sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Their good work spans a wide array of areas in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as eliminating poverty, providing quality education, reducing gender-based inequities, and promoting good health and well-being. Most organizations place a high emphasis on working directly in the locations that they serve. One of the most striking findings of the report was that international staff members tend to dramatically outnumber domestic staff. This emphasis on direct in-country support helps ensure that resources get to the places they are needed most and without waste.
What’s even more encouraging is how much Minnesota’s INGOs are able to accomplish on limited budgets, often with fewer than a dozen staff members. Together, the organizations surveyed in the report have a total budget of nearly $150 million. This includes a diverse landscape of INGOs both large and small such as Alight (formerly American Refugee Committee), ¿ìèÊÓƵ, Mary’s Pence and OneVillage Partners. It is a testament to the generosity of Minnesotans that individual donors were a significant funding source for nearly every organization. In addition, many organizations received financial support from corporate donors, charitable foundations and the U.S. international affairs budget.
The impact of these organizations is remarkable. ¿ìèÊÓƵ, for example, has provided more than 50 million books to the continent since 1988. Alight has worked to combat the pandemic directly in dozens of countries with information campaigns and posters translated into two dozen languages. Another MINN partner, Children’s HeartLink, has trained nearly 3,000 local health care providers to provide cardiac care to children. Since 1985, the Center for Victims of Torture has helped rehabilitate more than 33,000 survivors of torture and war trauma. All of this occurs against the backdrop of the largest humanitarian and refugee crisis since the end of World War II. As we know only too well, this critical work will continue long after the pandemic subsides, and it may take years to fully vaccinate these underdeveloped areas of the world.